Sunday, September 28, 2008

Me eating!

Here I am eating yogurt puffs.

I am officially a monster. Mommy and daddy are having a hard time keeping up with me. I am crawling all over the house and getting into everything I am not supposed to. I have learned how to pull myself up on any and every thing. I really like standing in my crib and jumping when i am supposed to be taking a nap.

Mommy has let me try all sorts of new foods. I had grapes, waffles and at brunch Grandpa Ron gave me a cookie. Daddy said no and took it away, but i got one bite in. I have also learned how to feed myself. I don't care for my sippy cup anymore. Mommy keeps putting my milk in it and I just push it away until she puts it in my bottle. Enjoy my new pictures.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Last week i got my first tooth and daddy finally got a picture of it!
*UPDATE* tooth #2 arrived this morning 9/28 and we got a better picture too.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My bestfriend, Buster.

Here i am playing with my dog Buster, Wylee just sits back and watches.

Daddy turned 31!

I had ice cream for daddy's birthday, and i loved it!

Out in the yard.

Daddy took some great pictures of me out in the yard. i love the grass!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Crawling and Crying

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm 8 months!